The Journey Begins

Dr. Richard McHugh Brought NLP to India

The Journey Begins

Dick McHugh brought NLP to Bangalore accepting the invitation of Cynthia to begin training in Bangalore in 1997. The objective then was to train counsellors so that every college and school would have enough trained counsellors to help our young people to cope with stress and other challenges of life.

He started studying NLP in the early 80’s and saw its transformational effect on himself. He said he learned in NLP how to handle reality, to integrate all his varied experiences, to accept himself fully, and began to look for answers within himself. He then realised that real power does not come from outside oneself, from fame, name, positions, status, etc, but rather from within oneself.

He lived and taught fully what Pearl Buck said: “Inside myself there is a place where I live alone, and that’s where I renew my springs that never dry up”.

Those who attended his training programmes said, “if you meet him once, you can’t help but follow him” . Many of our participants saw in him very many facets of his personality – dynamic, energetic, perceptive, confronting when needed and passionate about making a difference in the world, a person with abundance of resources and he lived and shared to the best of his ability what he had been given by the Almighty. Here lies the real power within you. He has touched many lives and several came back to do his programmes over and over again, just to be in his presence.

The three of us who were trained by him and co-facilitated the NLP programmes with him now continue the journey. The vision have been expended and the goals are widened, but the passion i with which we began continues with clarity, commitment and with our own personal journeys while striving to model what we teach.


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