Wellspring NLP Integrated

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Our Featured Courses

We facilitate Your Journey of Becoming a Better You - irrespective of your position in life or in society. Our participants include homemakers, students, teachers, counselors, coaches, executives, managers, consultants, entrepreneurs and anyone and everyone Who Seeks to Connect with Themselves.

Basic NLP

Training in NLP Basic Practitioner skills.

Advanced NLP

Training programme in Advanced NLP skills

Gestalt Therapy – I

Gestalt therapeutic principles and Part-I

Gestalt Therapy – II

Gestalt therapeutic principles and

Health & Wholeness

NLP applied to health and wholeness

Tools of spirit

NLP and personal integration: Tools of the Spirit, NLP and Meta-programmes

Evolved leadership

Training in NLP Basic Practitioner skills.

Power of Relationship

Training in NLP Basic Practitioner skills.

Our purpose

To be competent and effective facilitators of transformative journey from within, to make people experience true inner freedom, to make a difference in the world, to bring healing to the suffering humanity, to enable people actualise their full potential and to live meaningful / contented lives; .

Our Beliefs

  • “We are one with God. Our deepest Self is one with the Divine” - Thomas Merton
  • “Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity by becoming aware of nature, both external and internal” - Swami Vivekananda
  • “When you are connected with the Whole, you no longer need to protect or defend the part. You are now connected to something inexhaustible.” - Jalal-ad-din Muhammad Rumi

What our Participants Say About our Programs

NLP Program


Gestalt Program


The Journey from Thoughtfulness to Mindfulness

with.. Our Qualified Trainers

Dr. Cynthia Gonsalves

Leo Lobo

Dr. Steve Titus

Jessie Furtado

Our Vision

To continuously seek meaning and bring it to life, within our own selves and act as facilitators for this transformative journey in others so that they experience true inner freedom. By doing so, they bring new meaning to their own lives by making a difference to humankind through a process of continuous healing that enables individuals to actualize their potential.

Our Mission

To reach as many people as possible with the aim of bringing about a positive change in their lives through espousing the theories of NLP and facilitating their journeys towards greater self-awareness. To continuously spread the message of non-duality in a world where divergence is considered dissonance. To prove that “When Things Change Inside You, Things Change Around You.”

  • Personal and professional journey:
    • "I feel extremely confident after going through the experience, that I can help myself and others too”. (Ranjeetha Rai)
    • “I have become more self aware, feel alive and more spontaneous” (Chandra)
    • “I feel more empowered to be able to engage with the challenge of my life” (Ramgopal)
    • A sense of liberation and a feeling of extreme joy and confidence at the end of the course as a counsellor” . (Ranjeetha Rai)
    • “I learnt to value awareness, importance of modelling, trust myselfI feel confident I can become a good therapist with practice” (Sripriya)
    • “I started thinking creatively and not just logically, opened new ways of understanding” (Manoj George)
    • “I could see the new ME with all the resources powerfully integrated within me” (Mahalakshmi)
    • “Very useful course for my personal and professional life.” (Usha S.)
    • “Finding positive intention behind every behaviour helped me look at myself with kindness” (Usha S.)
    • “I feel freer, more confident, more empowering, much calm, more observant” (Prachi)
    • “I am confident to help others because the skills learned have worked on me” (Pushpa K)
    • “Personally, I am seeing a new me. .. all the activities helped to connect with my inner self” (Aishwarya)
    • “My resources were caged within me. I have cleared my blocks which were limiting me and now I am a more vivid person with lots of energy” (Sruthi)
    • “I am now able to ask questions and chunk down to gain more clarity instead of using my own MAP to understand people and situations” (Ramya)
    • “I am feeling more confident, feeling lighter and free” (Renu)
    • “I am aware of my inner angels and demons with magnificient clarity” Arafath)
    • “I am taking away important skills and techniques that are helping me to understand others” (Aakriti)
    • “I feel an enormous change inside me ..many doors have opened inside me” (Janani)
    • “Integrated parts of myself that i was having difficulties integrating ..” (Tarsh)
    • “Made me aware of my deeper self, and communicate my thoughts with ease” (Rathi)
    • “The journey towards the inner self is the great gift I got as if a best friend I can connect to whenever I need” (Liva)
    Regarding the Trainers
    • “You both were just awesome. I really liked the way you helped all of us get into the NLP programme despite our different levels of understanding” . (Manoj George)
    • “You both have a very nice way of using all emotions to give feedback and bring the best out of us” (Manoj George).
    • “Experiential learning, mentoring gently, first time came to know what “happy learning” is all about” (Chandra)
    • The trainers “are both very professional as well as connected with us deeply. Felt very comfortable throughout my journey of 11 days” (Mahalakshmi)
    • “The synergy surprised me. I have never felt so comfortable in a space so unknown in such a short time ...Lovely teachers, I wish life gives everyone!” (Gargi Baweja)
    • The trainers “combo is amazing”. There was a lot to learn from you people as how to deal, coordinate, and give feedback to each other” (Shabeena)
    • The trainers provided a safe place for me to be myself, made me feel understood and to break my resistance” (Aishwarya)
    • “Loved the compassion and humour used by the trainers throughout” (Ramya)
    • “The warmth, life lessons beyond books, creating a comfortable atmosphere to open up freely, made the journey so wonderful” (Liva)
    Regarding Program:
    • “The practical value of the course is very helpful and gave an intensely experiential learning” (Ramgopal)
    • “Very systematically and thoughtfully designed programme and very sensitively done and processed” (Ramgopal)
    • “Course is very well structured with ample time for practice which is the highlight”. (Ranjeetha Rai)
    • “Very thoughtfully designed programme with attention to each student”. (Ramgopal)
    • “Highly energetic programme with lots of interactive sessions made learning fun and this can be used at my work place” (Manoj George)
    • “I loved every bit of the training, very, very interactive and experiential. Never felt bored or disengaged” (Prachi)
    • “I loved the fun, open and engaging way of facilitating the sessions” (Aakriti).
  • Journey started with different parts of me, whole is larger than sum of its parts..
  • It was a great teamwork with amazing dedication at display!! .
  • The genuineness that was visible throughout the workshop shows how much thought has gone through the same and that you want to transfer the knowledge to participants..
  • It was really a great experience to having gone through the Advanced NLP workshop with your team!.