Our Purpose

To be competent and effective facilitators of transformative journey from within, to make people experience true inner freedom, to make a difference in the world, to bring healing to the suffering humanity, to enable people actualise their full potential and to live meaningful / contented lives; .

Our Beliefs

  • “We are one with God. Our deepest Self is one with the Divine” - Thomas Merton
  • “Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity by becoming aware of nature, both external and internal” - Swami Vivekananda
  • “When you are connected with the Whole, you no longer need to protect or defend the part. You are now connected to something inexhaustible.” - Jalal-ad-din Muhammad Rumi

Dr. Cynthia Gonsalves


Leo Lobo


Dr. Steve Titus


Jessie Furtado